The use of drone systems in precision agriculture
Paper ID : 1454-NICAME1402
Reza Taherlouei Safa *, mohammad aboonajmi, Farshad Nasri
Department of Agrotechnology, College of Aburaihan, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: Agriculture plays an essential role in providing food for the world's population. It also offers countless collections including non-food products, transportation and environmental conditions. An increasing demand for food security puts pressure on decision makers to ensure sufficient food production worldwide. To support sustainable agriculture, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be used to manage fields and increase yields. This article aims to present the use of UAV and its applications in agriculture. The aim is to investigate the various uses of drones in agriculture. Based on a comprehensive review of available research, it was determined that the various sensors provide analysis and analysis available for agricultural applications. Therefore, before using UAV technology for quality and analysis, it is better to determine the purpose of the project. As a result, a suitable sensor and drone for accurate data collection and accurate analysis is very important when using drones in agriculture.
Drone, Precision agriculture, Farmer income, UAV
Status : Paper Accepted (Poster Presentation)