The study some physical characteristics of the soil in order to understand the problem of compaction with precise tools and correcting the subsoiling operations of sugarcane fields with a precision agriculture approach
Paper ID : 1430-NICAME1402
Navab Kazemi *1, siroos jafari2
1Department of Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization Engineering, Khuzestan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran
2Associate Professor, Department of Soil Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Iran
This research studies the physical characteristics of the soil in order to identify the problem of compaction with precise tools and to improve the subsoiling operations in two 25-hectare sugarcane fields in Amirkabir Agriculture and Industry. n this research, 16 locations were selected in each farm in order to measure the resistance of the downfall from the precision resistance measuring machine. Also, to study the physical characteristics, 8 intact wells were extracted in each farm. Farm 1 has the problem of surface and deep compaction. But farm 2 not only has less surface compression, but it can almost be said that there is no depth compression either. In general, it can be said that the density of the surface layer (depth 0-10 cm) can be due to the traffic of harvesting machines and straw carrying baskets, the density of the middle layer (depth 35-45 cm) due to the heel of the plow caused by the plow for the operation of land preparation and deeper layer (depth 55-65 cm) is due to the effect of conventional submersion operation in sugarcane cultivation and industries, which generally splits the ground up to this depth. The use of electro-hydraulic cone penetrometer machine and soil sampler due to the special design, innovation and compliance with valid standard in measuring the cone index and the use of electrical system, the results of its resistance to subsidence are very accurate and reliable.
Soil compaction, compression, precision agriculture
Status : Paper Accepted (Poster Presentation)