Design and simulation of zero and economic energy based on wind turbine technology in rice whitening unit of rice mills
Paper ID : 1377-NICAME1402
Aala Ghafari *1, Ali Motevali2, Hashem Samadi3, Benyamin Khoshnevisan4
1Faculty of Agricultural Engineering - Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University
2Department of Biosystem Mechanical Engineering, University of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran
3Graduated from Biosystem Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran
4Department of Green Energy, University of Southern ,Denmark
The whitening process in rice mills is important and necessary in order to convert paddy into edible rice. Investigations showed that rice mills are among the most consuming food industries in the world that use fossil energy to meet their needs. Considering that this energy is a fossil source, it has a lot of negative environmental effects for the ecosystem. In order to supply energy to the bleaching unit in rice mill with wind energy technology, energy flow simulation was done in Homer software. This simulation included the electricity energy requirement and economic analysis of the whitening process in a rice mill. The need for electricity in whitening and drying unit systems in rice mill with a daily consumption of about 66.37 kilowatt hours is provided by using a renewable system consisting of 7 wind turbines with a power of 250 kilowatts to produce alternating current. The simulation results in Homer software showed that the total initial cost and current net cost of the system are 2.28 and 8.93 million US dollars, respectively.
Rice whitening unit, wind turbine, Homer, On-grid
Status : Paper Accepted (Poster Presentation)