Design and construction of a device for induce xylem cavitation using centrifuge method
Paper ID : 1230-NICAME1402
Gholamreza Chegini *1, Hamidreza Bakhshi2
1University of tehran, aboreihan college, agrotechnolgy department, Tehran,IRAN
2Department of Agrotecnology, Technology Agricultural Compus, Univercity of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Vulnerability of xylem against embolism is one of the main traits in studies of drought resistance of plants. The centrifuge method is one of the most common techniques for inducing cavitation and investigating the vulnerability curves of plant vessels. In this method, centrifugal force is used to create negative pressure in the vessel and the pressure difference at the end of the stem, which provides the possibility to determine the hydraulic conductivity of the sample during centrifugation, and by changing the speed of the motor, it creates different pressures in the vessel. For this purpose, the prototype of the centrifuge device was designed to check plant embolism in Solidwork software. Also, the rotor of the device was analyzed using centrifuge analysis in SolidWorks software, which was evaluated with the maximum rotational speed (1361 rad/s) without deformation and disintegration. Parts such as housing, bases, rotor, stem holder, variable speed electric motor, water pump, camera, light source, connecting cables, screw and spring washer system (to control vibration) and other connections were used to make it. The main advantage of the centrifuge method is its speed of operation, so that the vulnerability curve of the xylem piece is usually created in less than half an hour. This greatly facilitates the study of xylem cavitation in environmental or genetic research.
Cavitation, Droght stress, Vulnerability Curve, Xylem
Status : Paper Accepted (Oral Presentation)