Experimental Study on Pressure Drop in Rough Rice Storage Bin with Three Air Inlet Duct Configurations
Paper ID : 1184-NICAME1402
Naser Razavizadeh *, Dariush Zare, Seyed Mehdi Nassiri, Mohammad Amin Nematollahi
Biosystems Engineering Department, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Iran
The study of pressure drop inside the beds is important for design and development of grain drying and aeration systems. Airflow distribution and pressure drop in bulk grains stored in the bin are highly affected by the air inlet ducts configuration. In this research, the pressure drop of a laboratory-scale silo containing rough rice in E, F and H three configurations of the air inlet duct was studied. The results indicated that pressure drop increased with the increase in airflow rate and height of the rough rice in the storage bin for all three configurations. The F and H configurations represent the maximum and minimum values for pressure drop, respectively. Pressure at different heights inside the bed was uniform for all three air inlet duct configurations. Hukill & Ives and Ergun equations were used to fit on the experimental data. The modified constant coefficients of both equations were determined for each of the three configurations. Ergun’s equation goodness of fit was higher as compared to Hukill & Ives for the entire airflow range of experiments.
Aeration, Grain storage bin, Inlet duct configurations, Pressure drop.
Status : Paper Accepted (Oral Presentation)