Review on extraction from food waste using pulsed electric field technology
Paper ID : 1183-NICAME1402
Ali Metghalchi *, Ghazal Mirzaalizadeh, Ali Fadavi
Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Tehran, Pakdasht, Iran
The increase of waste and by-products resulting from food processing has become a major economic and environmental concern. Extracting different bioactive compounds from these wastes is one of the ways to solve this concern, and it is also possible to use the extracted bioactive substances in the industry. Conventional extraction methods such as Soxhlet are time-consuming and require a lot of solvent. As a result, emerging technologies such as pulsed electric field, ultrasound waves, extraction with supercritical fluid, cold plasma, etc. are suitable alternatives to traditional methods. Pulsed electric field technology is one of the emerging methods that is a suitable alternative to traditional methods by reducing processing time, applying lower temperature to food, increasing extraction efficiency and consuming less energy. In this article, the investigation of the pulsed electric field and its applications for extracting different compounds from residue and waste of the food industry, as well as the latest researches in this field, have been discussed.
Pulsed electric field, Food waste, Waste, Extraction, Electroporation
Status : Paper Accepted (Poster Presentation)